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May 20-21

Seventh Sunday of Easter 


Exaudi comes from the Latin translation of the first line of the introit (Exaudi Domine), meaning “Lord, hear my voice.” (Psalm 27:7)



Order of Service: Divine Service, Setting Three

The Spirit of Truth Bears Witness to Jesus

The Spirit of Truth bears witness to Jesus, who is the truth. But the world does not receive the truth. It loves its own and hates those who are of the truth. Just as Jesus was scorned, so is His Church. “The hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God” (John 16:2). Yet it is by Jesus’ suffering and death that we are saved. Therefore we rejoice to share in His sufferings, that we may also share in His resurrection glory (1 Pet. 4:7–14). Through the ministry of the Spirit of Truth, we are cleansed from the deceit of our idols and given a new heart and a new spirit, the heart and Spirit of Christ (Ezek. 36:22–28). He now works in us fervent, self-giving love for one another, love which covers a multitude of sins, “that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen” (1 Pet. 4:11).

May 18, 2023

The Ascension of Our Lord


  1. 2 Kings 2:5–15
  2. Psalm 110
  3. Acts 1:1–11
  4. Luke 24:44–53


  1. 491 Up through Endless Ranks of Angels
  2. 493 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing
  3. 489 Hail Thee, Festival Day
  4. 492 On Christ’s Ascension I Now Build
  5. 680 Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise
  6. 537 Beautiful Savior
  7. 821 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

Order of Service: Divine Service, Setting Three

Jesus Is Ascended, but Not Absent

On the fortieth day after His resurrection, our Lord ascended to the right hand of the Father. But although Jesus is hidden from your eyes, He is not absent from you. For He now fills all things in heaven and on earth. He continues “to do and to teach” (Acts 1:1), preaching repentance and forgiveness of sins through those sent in His name (Mark 16:14–20; Luke 24:44–53), giving you His true body and blood in the Supper. Jesus is your great Elijah who pours out on you a double portion of His Spirit in the Word and the Sacraments (2 Kings 2:5–15). He is Lord over all things for the sake of the Church. He whom heaven cannot contain has raised your human nature to share fully in the glory of God. You who believe and are baptized into Christ’s body are already sitting in the heavenly places; for you are in Him who is at the Father’s right hand. When He comes again in the clouds on the Last Day, you also will appear with Him in glory.
